Back-to-School Health Education

SOPHE supports back-to-school health education led by health educators and school health professionals by providing contemporary resources, tools, information, and training on current and emerging topics.

SOPHE is a proud member of the National Consensus for School Health Education, which builds on decades of collaboration among leading national health education organizations in the United States.

The Consensus develops model guidance and other resources for educators interested in quality school health education within the framework of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model. Learn more here.

The National Health Education Standards 3rd Edition is an initiative of the National Consensus for School Health Education (NCSHE). The eight standards and performance expectations reflect, update, and refine previous versions of the standards and performance indicators for health education.

The eight standards and performance expectations are written for use by preK–12 teachers, local school and state directors of health education, curriculum developers, and health education teacher preparation faculty. The standards and performance expectations reflect the functional health knowledge, beliefs, and skills necessary for students to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors, achieve health literacy, and enhance health and academic outcomes. The standards and performance expectations are written so that states, school systems, school personnel, and teachers can focus on health priorities vital to the needs of their students and communities.


Teaching Standards-Based Health Education is a document created by NCSHE for the purposes of both professional development of teachers currently teaching and for pre service purposes. Scenarios and specific lesson examples are provided for elementary, middle school, and high school.


SOPHE School Health Resources

SOPHE school health education training and resources.

SOPHE School Health
Teacher preparation, tools, on-demand training and more resources at SOPHE School Health headquarters.

Employee Wellness Toolkit
For schools to support the implementation of employee wellness initiatives in school districts and schools across the United States.

school wellness

SOPHE Journal Articles

Health Education & Behavior

Health Promotion Practice

Pedagogy in Health Promotion