Pedagogy in Health Promotion

The Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning journal focuses on pedagogy through contributions in areas such as curriculum and course/program design, assessment, and administration relevant to teaching and learning. The content of the journal is especially relevant to instructors or trainers who provide continuing professional education, in the broad arena of health promotion and disease prevention. 

The quarterly journal welcomes works addressing the art and science of teaching and learning, and how it contributes to the formation and ongoing development of the health promotion professional working in any site and population.

Aims & Scope

Pedagogy in Health Promotion advances pedagogy through scholarly contributions addressing the art and science of teaching and learning in health promotion and public health. The journal welcomes manuscripts in such areas as curriculum development, training program design and evaluation, educational assessment, and educational administration. The content of the journal is especially relevant to instructors or trainers who provide professional education in health promotion and/or public health. The quarterly journal welcomes submissions addressing the art and science of teaching and learning related to the formation and ongoing development of health promotion and public health professionals and relevant to educators working in academic programs or in continuing professional education settings in the broad arenas of health promotion and public health.

The electronic version of Pedagogy in Health Promotion is available free online, exclusively to SOPHE members through SAGE Journals Online after logging into MySOPHE.