Health Equity Toolkit

SOPHE’s Health Equity & Anti-Racism Task Force developed the following resources for SOPHE members, chapters, stakeholders, and other community-based organizations to use in their work.

Lesson Plan & Notes

Health Education & Behavior Scholars of Color

Pedagogy in Health Promotion The Pedagogy of Antiracism

The 8 HPP Papers of the Year through 2021 addressing African American health

Breny, J. (2020). Continuing the Journey Toward Health Equity: Becoming antiracist in health promotion research and practice. Health Education & Behavior, 47(5), pp.665-670. 

Came, H. & Griffith, D. (2018). Tackling racism as a “wicked” public health problem: Enabling allies in anti-racism praxis. Social Science & Medicine, 199, 181-188.

Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). The public health critical race methodology: Praxis for antiracism research. Social Science & Medicine, 71, 1390-1398. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.07.030

Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). Critical race theory, race equity, and public health: Toward antiracism praxis. American Journal of Public Health, 100(S1), S30-S35.

Hagopian, A., West, K. M., Ornelas, I. J., Hart, A. N., Hagedorn, J., & Spigner, C. (2018). Adopting an anti-racism public health curriculum competency: The University of Washington experience. Public Health Reports, 133(4), 507-513. doi: 10.1177/0033354918774791

Jones, C. P. (2000). Levels of racism: A theoretic framework and a gardener’s tale. American Journal of Public Health, 90(8), 1212-1215.

Lee, E. (2011). Looking through an antiracist lens. In Lee, E., Menkart, D., & Okazawa-Rey, M. (Eds.), Beyond Heroes and Holidays (pp. 404 – 406). Teaching for Change.

McIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Peace & Freedom, July/August, 10-12.

Pokrel, R., Muhammad, M., Jimenez, J., et al. (2021). Antiracism glossary for education and life. Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 4(1), 75-92.

Sue, D. W., Alsaidi, S., Awad, M. N., Glaeser, E., Calle, C. Z., & Mendez, N. (2019). Disarming racial microaggressions: Microintervention strategies for targets, white allies, and bystanders. American Psychologist, 74(1), 128-142.

Terry, P. E. (2021). Allyship, antiracism and the strength of weak ties: A barber, a professor, and an entrepreneur walk into a room. American Journal of Health Promotion, 35(2), 163-167. doi: ​​10.1177/0890117120982201

Videos & Podcasts

The Gardener’s Tale by Dr. Camara Jones

HPP Playlist of Black Voices on The HPP Podcast

  • Donovan, S. K., Storms, S. L. B., & Williams, T. P. (2020). Teaching Through Challenges for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
  • Feagin, J. R. (2013). The WhiteRacial Frame: Centuries of Racial Framing and Counter-Framing. Routledge.
  • Ford, C. L., Griffith, D. M., Bruce, M. A., & Gilbert, K. L. (2019). Racism: Science & Tools for the Public Health Professional. APHA Press.
  • Gentlewarrior, Sabrina & Paredes, Luis (Editors), (2021). The Leading for Change Racial Equity and Justice Institute Practitioner Handbook. Bridgewater State University on behalf of the Racial Equity and Justice Institute.
  • Greenwald, A., & Banaji, M. (2013). Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People. Delacorte Press.
  • Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to be an antiracist. Random House.
  • Saad, L. (2020). Me and white supremacy: Combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor. Sourcebooks.