2019 Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards
SOPHE’s 2019 Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards is one of our teacher preparation resources. It expects beginning health education teachers to:
- Possess a deep content knowledge, and an understanding of pedagogical skills including digital learning.
- Work effectively with a diverse PreK-12 student population.
- Use data to guide planning, instruction and feedback.
- Apply evidence-based practice and expect practice-based teacher education.
- Collaborate as part of a team—sometimes in a leading role and sometimes in a supporting role.
The focus is on the key knowledge and skills that contribute to the health and well-being of PreK-12 learners now and in their future.
The standards are organized into six separate statements, there is a high degree of integration across standards.
SOPHE SPA Reviewer Application
To apply to become a SOPHE SPA Reviewer, applicants must have one or more of the following qualifications:
- K-12 health teacher with a degree in health education + teaching experience
- Secondary school health teacher with National Board Certification in health education
- K-12 District-level health education coordinator, with a master’s degree in health education + health education teaching experience
- Graduate degree in health education + experience with health education teacher preparation
- (M)CHES® +master’s degree in health education + experience in school health education
- (M)CHES® +expertise in curriculum development + master’s degree in health education
Training and CHES credits provided for reviewers.
Contact: sc*************@so***.org
Preparation for SPA Recognition
SOPHE’s 2019 Health Education Teacher Preparation Manual is a guidance document for institutions seeking national recognition of their health education teacher preparation program.
It includes a detailed description of the knowledge base underlying each of the six HETP standards and 28 components, information on the required assessments to show that teacher candidates can demonstrate the expected knowledge and skills, sample rubrics, exemplars and templates, and information on SOPHE’s SPA process.
The manual is essential for faculty overseeing health education teacher preparation programs and can be useful for states and policymakers concerned with health education teacher performance.
SOPHE Resources
Additional resources to assist professional preparation programs:
- SOPHE Instructions for Completion of SPA Application
- SOPHE Program Report Template
- Sample Matrix for Preparing Portfolio
- Exemplars: Example Assessment Document
- Model Assessment #5: Impact on Student Learning
- Model Assessment #6: Curriculum and Planning
Training and Technical Assistance
Sign up for announcements of SOPHE workshops, webinars, and other resources to help faculty prepare for SPA recognition.
To volunteer as a SOPHE SPA reviewer or other questions, contact sc*************@so***.org
Environmental Scan of Health Education Teacher Preparation Programs
Download Environmental Scan of Health Education Teacher Preparation Programs 2020, a comprehensive environmental scan of baccalaureate health education teacher preparation programs throughout the United States and the District of Columbia.
The scan of 386 public and private teacher preparation programs in health education and related areas provides important insights into curriculum, graduation requirements, and state certification required by today’s colleges and universities in preparing their K-12 health education teacher candidates.