Call for Abstracts


2024 Advocacy Summit theme: “Advocating for Equity Where we Live, Work and Play”


Advocacy Skill-Building (Beginner and Advanced)
This track calls for interactive and engaging workshops focused on advocacy at the local, state, or federal level to achieve health equity. Submissions should cover effective advocacy tactics or skills, uses of social media/technology, partnerships/coalitions, and/or evaluation of advocacy campaigns. Submissions may also include advocacy pedagogy. Submissions will need to indicate whether the workshop is for beginner or advanced advocates.

Research & Practice in Advocacy & Grassroots Work
Research and practice are key to advancing health equity. Submissions in this track are welcome across topic areas including but not limited to; reproductive rights, refugee and migrant health, mental health, risky health behaviors, social media use, voting rights, diversity, equity and inclusion, child and adolescent health, gun safety, climate change, and underrepresented populations.

“Poster Track” Health Advocacy
This track showcases students and professionals working on advocacy related research, policy briefs, communication campaigns, student internships, and coalitions that address the summit

Criteria for Judging Abstract Submissions

Upon submission, all abstract submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Relationship to the conference theme. Does the abstract relate to the theme and the chosen track?
  • Methodology: Are objectives clearly stated? Are findings included and do they correspond to the objectives?
  • Usefulness: Can the content presented be applied elsewhere? Is it useful to practicing health educators, researchers, students, public health professionals and/or academics?
  • Innovation: Does the abstract represent content that is unique, new, different, or creative?
  • Clarity of content: Is the abstract well‐written? Does it clearly outline what the presentation is about, such as project type, target audience, setting? Does the abstract clearly identify the entry‐level Area(s) of Responsibility or advanced‐level sub‐competencies?
  • Overall reaction: Considering the above criteria, what is your overall reaction?
Who should submit abstracts
  • Government relations/advocacy professionals
  • Health education & promotion professionals
  • School health educators/school health education coordinators
  • Behavioral/social scientists
  • Patient educators
  • Education/promotion students
  • Community health & public health education faculty
  • Tribes and Tribal organizations
  • Public health practitioners
  • Mental health professionals
  • Chronic disease directors
  • Dental hygienists/community oral health
  • coordinators
  • Community‐based organizations and staff
  • Grassroots organizers
  • Allied health professionals
  • Social marketers
  • Informatics professionals
  • Health communication professionals
  • Pharmacists
  • Dietitians & nutritionists
  • Health/social policy experts
  • Social workers
  • Health administrators
  • Nurses, nurse midwives & nurse practitioners
  • Clinicians
  • Ethicists
  • Community members
Disclosure Statement

SOPHE policy requires potential presenters to disclose any proprietary, financial, professional or other personal interests in the material to be presented. This includes past employment, serving as a consultant, conducting clinical trials, serving on an advisory committee, inclusion in a speaker’s bureau, owning stock, holding patents, etc.

As a condition of submission, SOPHE requires that the presenting author check to acknowledge and agree to the following statement:

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all my co‐authors and I have no proprietary, financial, professional or other personal interest in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the material proposed for presentation in our abstract.

I have read and agree to the disclosure statement.

As a condition of submission, SOPHE also requires that the presenting author acknowledge and agree to the following statement:

I declare that I and my co-authors agree to the following if our abstract submission is accepted for presentation at SOPHE  2023: 

(1) To present the work as described in the submitted abstract and to present the session format assigned by the planning committee;

(2) Each author/co-author attending the conference must register for the conference and assume responsibility for their own registration, lodging and transportation costs. (Please note that if any accepted abstract author withdraws with late notice or fails to show, this will impact future opportunities to present at SOPHE  events);

(3) If selected for a presentation, a copy of our slides will be provided to SOPHE one week prior to the start of the conference, so that they can be made available to attendees and available at our assigned session; and (4) Acknowledge and accept that our presentation may be video or audio taped and made available for future continuing education purposes.

I have read and agree to the disclosure statement.



Coalition of National Health Education Organizations

Opening Plenary Sponsor
